Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Radiation Vacation Update 4

It's been a little while since the last update. Sorry! Things seem to be going well. Belle's headaches seem to be less frequent, meaning, not happening multiple times a day or even everyday. Her nausea persists but is manageable. Thursdays and Fridays seem to be days when Belle is just not feeling well. A new side effect is that Belle's hair is starting to fall out. It doesn't seem to bother her at all but it breaks my heart to see her hair at the bottom of the bathtub, collecting on the back of her jacket, or in my fists after I brush her hair. It's just another reminder of a treatment that no parent ever wants to have to see their child go through. However, at the end of the day, it's just hair and it should grow back and if it doesn't, there are some pretty sweet wigs on the market these days. One sweet girl here sports these wigs often and I have grown quite fond of a rainbow colored one, I have to smile every time I see her, I just love her confidence, courage and strength.

It's pretty amazing to be able to witness how amazing children can be. The kids here at Christopher's Haven are faced with some of the most horrific situations, fighting cancer and tumors, enduring multiple surgeries, and receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy. These small people go to doctors appointments everyday, where they are poked and told to hold still or told to move (at physical therapy) after chemo or radiation (or both!) has made them feel so weak and tired and they will still smile and wave, "hello," if they see you in the hallway. They work on their homework everyday, fearing that if they don't, they will be left behind. They keep going, smiling and laughing, becoming these amazing little people who can teach us so many things if we just took the time to sit and observe them or listen to them. Tiny little people with more life experience than many adults. They are incredible and I am blessed to have met them and I hold them dear to my heart.

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