Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Radiation Vacation Update 2

We just finished Belle's 9th radiation treatment! Belle seems to be feeling much more comfortable with the radiation treatment process. She doesn't get anxious when they put the mask on and she's not giving me a hard time about having her hair put up! These two obstacles were causing unnecessary stress, so winning these battles has brought on a sense of relief and calm. Knowing that we aren't going to have an emotional struggle makes treatment so much easier! Belle is still experiencing nausea and headaches almost everyday. Her nurse suggested that we give Belle her nausea medication at night and that seems to have helped for the most part, she has actually been able to eat a little in the morning! Belle's headaches come and go, sometimes they are very painful and wake her up at night. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the headaches so it's hard to treat them prophylactically- That's a fancy word I learned while we were in the hospital. :) We are hoping that the nausea and headaches will ease up over time, especially the headaches. Any headaches that Belle experiences causes me stress, I never know when it's just a headache or a sign of something worse, it's exhausting.

A fun side note: One of the radiation techs noticed Belle's bumblebee socks and has given her the nickname of "Bumblebee." I love it and I hope it sticks.

Well, that's the update for now! I hope to post pictures of our Boston adventures soon so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I love "Bumblebee"!! Can't wait to see pictures!
