Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I love music! I love all kinds of music... except country, I think that was created for torturing people. I love the beat, I love to dance, I love to sing. When I'm alone or in my car, I may pretend that I'm a rock star and sing as loud as I can while showing off some of my dance moves that people rarely see. I think it's extremely important to sing and dance along to music as enthusiastically as you can. I really think that if we all did this more often the world would be a better place and how fun is it to see people go all out crazy singing and dancing like no one is watching!

Now,  more specifically, I LOVE Maroon 5. Every single song they come out with I LOVE. Even that silly "Moves like Jagger" song. I feel like I should clarify that I DO NOT have "moves like Jagger." I think those moves are ridiculous and no one should try to move like Jagger. Instead, let's all move like Beyonce. Maybe except for the boys, boys should not have moves like Beyonce... well, some boys can pull it off but that's a different story. Back to Maroon 5, I love them. Their music makes me sing and dance which makes me happy. So enjoy Maroon 5 and their crazy antics.

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