Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I've given in.

I've given in. I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite a while and something made me decide that today was the day. I guess I've been a little nervous about starting a blog. I mean, is my life interesting enough to write about? I think it's interesting but I may be a little biased. As I was driving home today I was thinking (which is usually a dangerous activity for me) and I realized that there are a lot of things in this life that lift my spirits, things that make me smile, things that calm me down when I'm stressed out. And I thought to myself, "How fun would it be to have a list of things that I love!?!" and "I should write my thoughts out more often." So, here we are, that is what finally drove me to start a blog.  Also, my sweet babies are in school now and I figure it's better to blog than to start talking to myself or our dog, Java. When I talk to him he gives me weird looks, he's very judgmental, we're working on that.

Here are my hopes for this blog:

  • I hope this helps me stay positive in a world that can be so negative.
  • I hope that my thoughts will bring a smile to someone who may or may not need to smile. I like smiles, smiles are my favorite.
  • I hope this helps me to remember to not take life so seriously. Life doesn't need to be so serious.
Here we go!

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